Monthly Communications Calendar and Policies
Mailchimp Newsletter for current activities
1st MailChimp mailing goes out5th Website updates active10th MailChimp submission DEADline15th MailChimp mailing goes out20th Newsletter submission DEADline25th MailChimp submission DEADline30th Website updates submission DEADline NOTE: The Newsletter link will always be on the MailChimp mailings and on the website.MailChimp: Send submissions to Flyers, Surveys, request to the district, Will publish 2 times a month if neededOnly DG has authority to issue extra mailings.Newsletter: Send submissions to Features recent past events, upcoming events, everything district. News!Website: Send submissions to ( Inquiries and information for classes and general info All notices, flyers and article submissions should be WORD or PDF. They must either have text that can be copy/pasted or an accompanying transcription of the flyer text (for blind accessibility). This means, if you send an image (JPEG, PNG, and some PDFs) with text in them, you need to also type out the text in your e-mail submission.Image submissions should be JPEG, PDF, or PNG. All images must have descriptive text that loosely describes the image and names people in the image. (This will be used as alt-text for the blind)
Other emails of interest
Your IT Team: Lion Deborah Love (Chair), Lion Michelle Turner White (Co-Chair), Lion Daniel Rathbun, Lion Andrew Whidby, Lion Cathy McAdams, Lion Larry Wegryn, Eric Koponen, DG Lula Gardfrey
Other emails of interest
Your IT Team: Lion Deborah Love (Chair), Lion Michelle Turner White (Co-Chair), Lion Daniel Rathbun, Lion Andrew Whidby, Lion Cathy McAdams, Lion Larry Wegryn, Eric Koponen, DG Lula Gardfrey
Title | Name | Email address |
District Governor | Lula Gardfrey | |
Cabinet Secretary | | |
Global Service Team | | |
Zoom Request | | |
Contact Us | |